Each appointment is unique as I look at the whole person, on all levels - body, mind, spirit. Equipped with knowledge of many complementary healing arts, I reconnect the individual to the inherent wisdom of their body. I follow your body's wisdom and facilitate it's healing balance.
Acupuncture works with a system of pathways throughout your body called meridians. These pathways connect organs, organ systems and the energetic systems of your body. Working with these pathways, and placing single use sterile needles in specific places, aids in moving the "qi" (energy) and promoting balance and wellbeing. Imbalance, or "dis-ease" may be caused by those pathways not flowing fully or becoming blocked or sluggish.
Although acupuncture is widely known to relieve pain, it is also highly effective in treating almost any physical or emotional imbalance. They include:
Stress Stroke Headaches/Migraines
Anxiety Menstrual Symptoms Chemotherapy recovery
Depression Fibromyalgia Brain Fog
PTSD Sprains/Strains AND MUCH MORE!
CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a light touch, hands on approach that can create dramatic improvements in your life. The craniosacral system is the soft tissues and fluid that protect your brain and spinal cord. The CS system has a major effect on your central nervous system and how it responds to your environment. CST releases restrictions within the system, freeing the central nervous system to perform at its maximum potential. This strengthens your resistance to disease and naturally eliminates pain and stress. Because it's so gentle, it can be effective for all ages.
This gentle hands on method of treatment helps facilitate the body's natural, self-correcting mechanisms aiding in the healing process. It is a powerful stand-alone treatment, but is also quite effective when used in conjunction with acupuncture.
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